A few months ago, a new girl came to my school. She was wearing this dress that I thought was ugly. So I apologized to her for thinking that. I felt good.
--Alyssa, age 8, Arizona

Bad TV Show
Once, I was watching TV, and I came across a show that I knew was bad because the monkey didn't wear pants. I turned it off. I knew I had done the right thing.
--Dylan, age 3, New York
Dressing Modestly
Once, I was in the car with my mom, and I saw a woman wearing a tank top. So we pulled over and told her that it made her look like a *BEEP.* I felt good inside.
--Lexi, age 10, Virginia

Tea is Gross!
Once, I went to a party, and they were serving tea. I told them that tea is gross and that people who drink it are totally evil.
--Natalie, age 7, Ohio
Bad Movie
My friend and I were having a sleepover, and she wanted to watch Cinderella. I told her no, because I knew the mice didn't wear pants. I felt good inside.
--Claire, age 6, Florida
My Chemical Romance Music Video
My Goth friend, Eliza, wanted to show me My Chemical Romance's music video for "Helena." I chose not to watch it because my big brother had seen it before and told me there were a bunch of naked umbrellas in it. I felt good for choosing not to watch it.
--Hannah age 9, Idaho
Piercings are Evil!
I was walking around my neighborhood, when I bumped into a woman with spiky hair, and she had her eyebrow pierced. I told her that eyebrow piercings are evil. I felt good inside.
--Ryan, age 4, Germany
A picture of the "woman" Ryan bumped into:
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