That brings me to my next topic. In all those pictures of angels that you see at church or in those illustrated scriptures or in church magazines or whatever, they're always wearing only white robes. I mean, really. I know clothes aren't everything, but wouldn't that get a little boring?
Another thing is, what do you DO in heaven? Do you just sit there on a cloud, or are there amusement parks? I really hope there's something to do in heaven, because I would get tired of sitting on a cloud all day. If there are amusement parks, I wonder what they'd be like. They'd probably be just like the amusement parks here, only they'd make you wear modest clothing (gosh, you don't want to hear about all the inappropriate clothing that I've seen people wear at amusement parks...) and use appropriate language and stuff like that. Although if you take those paintings of heaven literally, there would probably be clouds instead of regular water if it was a water park. But clouds ARE water, right? So it would still be a water park. What I'm more curious about is the "water" parks in hell. Instead of water, they'd probably have fire. And they'd make you go naked. Or wear flammable clothing. Either one, depending on how bad you were.

(By the way, that stuff in the pool is supposed to be fire. I know I did a terrible job, but whatever.)
What do YOU wish heaven would be like? Tell me in your comments!