Sunday, June 5, 2011

June 2011: Choosing Teh Right

Love Your Enemies
Once, an evil murderer killed everyone. I knew I should be kind to my enemies, so I baked him a cake. Then he killed me. I felt great in-- WAIT! I'm DEAD!! I'm supposed to be in heaven! Bye!
--Tanya, age 11, New Jersey

Teh Super Long Prayer
After reading the Book Of Mormon with my family, I was asked to say a prayer. So I prayed for a long time. In fact, I am still praying right now (I'm a very good multi-tasker).
--Viktoria, age 6, Utah

Teh Modesty Dilemma
I went to to the zoo, and all the animals were naked. I left immediately and went to my friend's house to play video games, but then I realized that the guns were naked, so I went home and sat on the couch. But then I realized that the COUCH was naked, so I put clothes on the couch. I felt good inside.
--Gerald, age 5, Florida

Teh Bad Website
One day, I went to this website that my friend told me about. The moment I got there, I got this sick feeling, not because it was a porn site, but because there were photos of people stealing stuff and smoking. I turned off the computer. I felt great inside.
--Jordan, age 9,

Saturday, June 4, 2011

June 2011: Movie Review

Last week, I saw this epic movie called The Potato Who Didn't Fit In. The protagonist a potato named Pauline who has different standards from the other potatoes. Her family tells her not to be embarrassed about her moral values, but she is highly considering lowering her standards. One day, someone captures her worst enemies to make them into a potato salad, so Pauline must make a decision between showing compassion and mercy to her enemies, or letting them get what they deserve.
This is a very deep, emotional movie full of laughter, tears, and soggy Kleenex, but it's nowhere near as good as, say, Corpse Bride.
Rating: G (they were going to rate it R for nudity and swearing, but the people who made the movie decided to censor the swearing and naked potatoes)