Once, an evil murderer killed everyone. I knew I should be kind to my enemies, so I baked him a cake. Then he killed me. I felt great in-- WAIT! I'm DEAD!! I'm supposed to be in heaven! Bye!
--Tanya, age 11, New Jersey
Teh Super Long Prayer
After reading the Book Of Mormon with my family, I was asked to say a prayer. So I prayed for a long time. In fact, I am still praying right now (I'm a very good multi-tasker).
--Viktoria, age 6, Utah
Teh Modesty Dilemma
I went to to the zoo, and all the animals were naked. I left immediately and went to my friend's house to play video games, but then I realized that the guns were naked, so I went home and sat on the couch. But then I realized that the COUCH was naked, so I put clothes on the couch. I felt good inside.
--Gerald, age 5, Florida

Teh Bad Website
One day, I went to this website that my friend told me about. The moment I got there, I got this sick feeling, not because it was a porn site, but because there were photos of people stealing stuff and smoking. I turned off the computer. I felt great inside.
--Jordan, age 9,
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