Tuesday, April 12, 2011

May 2011: Chums by Mail

Likening Teh Scriptures
Once I burned my house down and we had to stay in tents. I apologized, but it was okay because it was like Nephi and his family in the wilderness.
--Caleb, age 9, Georgia

Me Marrying Teh Chum in teh Temple

--Emily, age 7, Idaho

BYU is teh Epics
I'm going to BYU for college. It's the only good college out there. If you go to any other college you'll go to hell.
--Jordan, age 5, Utah

Multiple Piercings are for Chumps!
My goth friend told me she was going to get her ear cartilage and eyebrow pierced, so I told her that piercings are evil.
--Vicky, 3, California

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 2011: What they DIDN'T talk about during General Conference

Usually, during general conference, I only really pay attention to a few of the talks. What? Sometimes they're boring! Though not all of them are. Just most of them. But anyway, to make sure I would pay attention in General Conference this time, I made a list of random things. Whatever they did talk about (keep in mind, when I say "talk about," what I usually actually mean is "mention it." Also, I didn't get to see all of General Conference, so tell me to delete things on the list of "Things They Didn't Talk About," just in case someone did mention that), I would cross it out. After that, I would look at all the things that weren't crossed out, and there would be my list of things they didn't talk about.

Here are the random things I jotted down:
Pernogrify (for reference: http://www.myregisblog.com/2008/10/lol-cats-general-conference.html)
Teh Law of Chastity
Eternal Families
Piercings, tattoos, and how HORRIBLE AND EVIL they are
Joseph Smith
The Book Of Mormon
R-rated movies
Crap music
My Chemical Romance
Corpse Bride
Tokio Hotel
The Jonas Brothers' music is crap
Justin Bieber sucks
Ke$ha needs to die
Flippin' stoopid gender roles
Teh priesthood
The Bible
The Sabbath Day
Ten Commandments
Teh sacrament
How bad teh world is today
Tutus (you know... the prophet always tells us to "avoid those foul tutus." Tutus are highly inappropriate and you must avoid them at all costs. Especially when it's Bill Kaulitz wearing a tutu)

What they did NOT talk about:
Piercings/tattoos (that really surprised me that they DIDN'T talk about that. Same with pernogrify)
R-rated movies
Crap music
Corpse Bride
Tokio Hotel
The Jonas Brothers' music is crap
Justin Bieber sucks
Ke$ha needs to die
The Ten Commandments

For those of you who read this post thoroughly and made sure I didn't forget anything, you may be wondering why I didn't mention My Chemical Romance on the list of things they didn't talk about during general conference. I meant to leave it out, because they did talk about MCR (which really surprised me). Still confused? Didn't you pay attention when President Monson (I think) said something about a guy named Gerard?? So he must have been talking about MCR, right?? RIGHT??? If Gerard = Gerard Way, and Gerard Way = Teh lead singer of MCR, then Gerard = Teh lead singer of MCR. So they DID talk about MCR!!!
Just kidding. I'm smart enough to know that just because someone's name is Gerard, that does not mean he's automatically teh lead singer of MCR. But that IS the first thing that pops into my mind when I hear that name, just so you're aware. So if you ever happen to say "Gerard" around me, tell me which Gerard you're talking about, or else I'll be thinking you were talking about Gerard Way and I'll be really confused. Thank you.