Thursday, August 9, 2012

Alternately, for the picture on the top right, she could say "I'm saving this seat for Elijah."
Original picture is from the "Decide Right Now" article in the March 2012 issue of the Friend.
Some credit goes to Mom for coming up with these.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Chums in teh mail

(Credit goes to my dad for coming up with these ideas)

"I got this feeling that I should talk to a boy in my class. It turned out that it was only gas." --Jacob, age 9, Minnesota

"I was playing with my action figures and I got this thought that I should clean my room. Luckily, the thought passed." --Kevin, age 7, Virginia

"Once I was trying to save money for something. I didn't have enough money, so I robbed the bank. I felt bad afterwards, but I had already spent the money." --Katie, age 4, Missouri

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Announcement: New Blog

I created a new blog! It's like Teh Chum, only this time it's a parody of New Era. You can view it here.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Advice Column

This month's question:
Kids at my school swear a lot and it bothers me. What do I do?

Here are some of the responses we got:

"Suck it up." --Bob, age 8, Illinois

"Tell them to 'shut the *BEEP* up,' and then wonder why you just swore." --Ruthie, age 11, Oregon

"Sing 'I Am a Child of God' at the top of your lungs so badly that they run away from you. Hey, you didn't want to hear them swear in front of you, right?" --Susan, age 5, California

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Choosing Teh Right

Obeying teh Word of Wisdom
I went to a party, and they were serving hot chocolate. When they offered it to me, I said no, because you're not supposed to drink hot drinks. I felt good inside. --Joshua, age 6, Florida

Teh A**ingment
Once, my teacher said that we were going to do an a**ignment. I told her not to use that kind of language around me. --Kayla, age 9, Oregon

Teh Uncool Drugs
A kid at my school offered me drugs. I told them to back off because I didn't have time for their uncool drugs. --Tyler, age 7, Florida

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Blessing Cantaloupe: Starring Mario and Luigi!

In the July 2011 issue of The Friend, there's this story called "The Blessing Cantaloupe" (you can view a PDF here). In the story, the Mario brothers stop fixing toilets and become gardeners. And they shave off their mustaches. Oh yeah, and there's a cantaloupe somewhere in the story...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Finally, something interesting in the Friend

On the cover of the January 2012 issue of the Friend (you can view a PDF of it here), it shows a family that's drunk and they're playing board games.
Finally! They're showing families that are doing MY favorite family home evening activity!

Monday, January 2, 2012

That creepy dude named Martin mentioned in The Friend

In the January 2012 issue of The Friend, there's an activity about choosing teh right. It basically has a bunch of hypothetical questions about what you would do in that given scenario.

This one was particularly hilarious:

Martin invites you to a movie on Sunday. What do you do?

Well, knowing that I don't know anybody named Martin, I would turn down the invitation. Because whoever this Martin dude is, he's a creep for wanting to go to the movies with me!!